Giant Pacific Octopus
Black Tailed Jack Rabbits
Brown Trout
Cascade Spotted Frog
Ferns and Fiddleheads
Great Horned Owl
Female Mallards
Pileated Woodpecker
Red Fox
Silver Haired Bat
Swallow Tail Butterfly With Elderberry
Townsend Warblers
Artist statement, Contemplari Natura
“Contemplari Natura” is the title of a 1% for the Arts Public Project administered by the Oregon Arts Commission and located in the Ford Alumni Center at the University of Oregon in Eugene.
Twenty-one etched and painted copper plates depicting the flora and fauna of the Northwest were created with traditional printmaking methods. The plates were designed to be installed into the 29-foot hearth wall of Lebanon cedar on the first floor of the center. The species depicted reflect the diversity of habitat in the Pacific Northwest and are a record of the natural history of the region.
But before the plates were installed in the wall, editions were pulled from each plate. Most of the paper prints were then hand-colored and are similar in pallet to the permanently installed plates.
Learn more about the installation here.